Welcome to Wild Love: Your Adventure Elopement Experts in Queenstown, New Zealand!

wild love elopement planners Queenstown. Husband and wife wedding planning team walking in skippers canyon

Hey there, adventure seekers and lovebirds! We’re Ricky and Louise, the hearts and minds behind Wild Love, your go-to elopement planners in the breathtakingly beautiful Queenstown, New Zealand. Our story is a mix of love at first sight, adrenaline-pumping adventures, and a shared passion for celebrating love in its wildest form. We’re thrilled to share our journey with you and even more excited to help you write the next chapter of yours!


A Little About Us

Ricky is a born-and-bred Kiwi from Christchurch, who landed in Queenstown in 2006 with a camera in hand and a thirst for adventure. He dove headfirst into a career as a skydiving photographer, capturing epic free-fall moments and feeding his love for thrill and excitement. Meanwhile, Louise hopped over from the UK in 2007, ready for a season of snowboarding and backpacking through New Zealand's stunning landscapes. But as fate would have it, her temporary stay quickly turned into a permanent love affair with the mountains, the lakes, and a certain skydiving photographer.


Our Love Story

Queenstown wedding planners go skydiving over lake Wakatipu in Queenstown

We met at the gym in 2008, and, wow, talk about sparks flying! There was an instant connection. Against all our friends' advice (and maybe even our own better judgment), we moved in together after just two months. Spoiler alert: It was the best decision ever! For the next decade, we lived life at full throttle, adventuring around the world, planning events, teaching yoga, and running a dance studio. We were all about living life to the fullest, and our love only grew stronger with every twist and turn along the way.

In 2019, we decided to slow things down a notch (but only a notch!) and embarked on the Camino de Santiago, a pilgrim’s walk across Spain. Yep, you heard that right – we hiked across an entire country! It was one of the most amazing experiences of our lives, and we had planned to do another Camino in Portugal in 2020. But then, the universe had other ideas. Enter: COVID!


From Personal Elopement to Wild Love

Like so many others, the pandemic shifted our lives in ways we never expected. Ricky swapped skydiving photography for studio work, focusing on portraits and weddings, while Louise channeled her creativity into planning unforgettable events. And then came the biggest surprise of all – we found out we were expecting our first child!

In 2021, after 14 years of adventures and wild love, we decided it was time to make things official. We eloped in the most stunning location we could find: Paradise, Glenorchy. (Yes, it’s really called Paradise, and yes, it was absolutely perfect!) We planned the whole thing in under two weeks, and it was nothing short of magical. That’s when we had a lightbulb moment – why not help other couples experience the same joy and spontaneity?

Wedding at Paradise in Glenorchy New Zealand. Private elopement in the mountains followed by a big wedding party in Queenstown

Wild Love: Your Elopement Adventure Starts Here!

And so, Wild Love was born! We’re all about crafting unique, intimate elopements that reflect your love story in the most epic locations Queenstown has to offer. Whether you're dreaming of saying "I do" on a mountaintop, by a serene lake, or even mid-skydiving (Ricky’s got some experience with that!), we’re here to make it happen. We believe in celebrating love in all its forms, with a little bit of adrenaline and a whole lot of heart.

So, if you’re ready to ditch the big, traditional wedding plans and opt for something a little more... wild, then you’ve come to the right place. We’re beyond stoked to be part of your journey, and we can’t wait to create unforgettable memories with you!

Here’s to love, adventure, and all the wild moments in between.

With love and excitement,
Ricky & Louise
Wild Love Elopements


Seasonal Guide to Eloping in Queenstown: Best Times of the Year


Why Queenstown is the perfect destination for your elopement